Norway or the Kingdom of Norway is a country that forms a part of the Scandinavian countries Politically, it is a constitutional monarchy. The territory of this country comprises of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Jan Mayen, the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard, and the sub-Antarctic Bouvet Island. Spanning in the area of 385,252 square kilometers,Norway has a total population of 5,109,059 people. This makes it one of the least densely populations in Europe.
Eight universities, nine specialization universities and 24 universities affiliated colleges form the crux of higher education in Norway. This system of higher education is in accordance with the Bologna Convention, which outlines the number of years that need to spend in order to gain different levels of mastery starting from a bachelors to a doctorate. Students should be aware of the procedure when it comes to information about study in Norway that they are typically admitted after they have completed the stipulated secondary education combined with general university admission certificates.
Prior to 2005, when it was stipulated that any college that offers five master’s programs and four doctoral programs could become a university, which changed the outlook of students when they think about study opportunities in Norway. This also produced opportunities for students who preferred to study in a smaller city or town.
In addition to the state funded and larger universities funded by the state and that which provides free education to all students, irrespective of their nationality, there are a number of private colleges though they cater to just 10% of the student population. This attracts a fee from the students.
Why Study in Norway?
People from all over the world are faced with changes that happen to the environment on a daily basis. These changes and choices that are faced help giving an impetus to certain fields of studies. One of these fields is that of Engineering. In fact, these fields of study have multiple facets that have implications in all the facts of life and the solutions that are researched and discovered prove fruitful in the long term.
Students who are interested in this aspect of the study will be in a better position when they have the answer to the pressing questions when it comes to study engineering in Norway.
- Whether it is a course in civil engineering or marine engineering or also environmental engineering, students will be pleased to know that there is a Norwegian university that offers a course in that field of study. There are courses that help students to specialize in certain aspects that are covered as an overall subject elsewhere.
- A common query from any student of engineering is whether he will get a degree that is recognized in other parts of the world. Norwegian degrees in engineering are accepted as the best in the world and lend a greater degree of credibility to the student.
- Another important aspect that worries many students is of the language barrier. However, it will be heartening to them to know that a majority of the courses that they pursue when they will study engineering in Norway are offered in English.
- Apart from the numerous choices that students have in the colleges and the courses in engineering, a Norway university worth its salt does provide help to students when they have to take a break from studying providing them with information about getting around in Norway where they can enjoy their off time.
With the above points in mind, students will not find it difficult to get their degrees in the field of engineering studies and which in turn can help them to stand head and shoulders above their peers when they start working and designing solutions in their respective fields of engineering expertise.